

2022-05-04 来源:尚佳旅游分享网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Spanish spelling is phonetic, unlike English spelling.(与英语不同,西班牙语的拼写与发音相近。)

2、One shortcut is to use pinyin, a phonetic system used to transliterate Chinese words into the Latin alphabet.(有一个简单的办法就是用拼音输入法,这是一种用来将汉字转化为拉丁字母的音标系统。)

3、The strength of the Aspell algorithm is the way it USES edit distance at both the word level and the phonetic code level.(Aspell算法的优势在于它利用编辑距离的方式,它在单词级别上和语音代码级别上都使用编辑距离。)

4、A phonetic matching algorithm cannot match this type of misspelling with its replacement, since the two words sound different.(语音匹配算法不能用它的替换来匹配这种拼写错误,因为两个单词听起来是不同的。)

5、The phonetic symbol is a very important part of English study just like in our country every primary school student must learn Chinese phonetics first.(音标在英语学习中是一个非常重要的部分,就像在中国每个小学生都必须首先学习汉语语音一样。)

6、Given a data file of the format shown in Listing 4, the loadInflectives subroutine builds an alphanumeric phonetic hash.(如果提供清单4中所示格式的数据文件,loadinflectives子例程将构建字母数字语音散列。)

7、Essentially, Soundex algorithms function by mapping each letter of a given alphabet to a numerical code representing its phonetic group.(从实际上说,soundex算法的运作方式是把某个字母表中的每个字母映射成代表它的语音组的一个数字代码。)

8、Hieroglyphs were mainly phonetic; they represented sounds, not pictures, and the underlying language was Coptic.(象形文字主要是语音符号;它们代表的是声音,而不是图像,其本质上的语言是科普特语。)

9、Many upscale brands like Cadillac (Ka di la ke), or Hilton (Xi er dun), employ phonetic translations that mean nothing in Chinese.(许多高档品牌像Cadillac(凯迪拉克)Hilton(希尔顿),从外文发音直接翻译过来的中文名字没有任何字面意义。)

10、What is the phonetic symbol for each of the sound descriptions offered?(所提供的每个声音描述的音标是什么?)

11、The Soundex algorithm brings this problem on itself by failing to map the initial letter of each word to a phonetic digit.(soundex算法本身造成了这个问题,因为它无法把每个单词中的原始字母映射成语音数字。)

12、Lines 08 to 11 replace each letter in the word with its phonetic code.(行08到11用字母的语音代码替换单词里的每个字母。)

13、This dictionary gives phonetic transcriptions of all headwords.(本词典所有词目都注出了音标。)

14、Metaphone matching is an algorithmic method for generating keys based on the phonetic pronunciation of words.(变音位匹配是根据查询词的语音发音生成关键字的算法方法。)

15、If you go for phonetic sounds, everyone knows where you are from - you're immediately identified as a foreign brand.(如果你只追求音似,大家立马就会知道你从哪里来-你也马上被标上外国牌子的标签。)

16、By applying this mapping to a whole word a phonetic "key" for the word is produced.(通过对整体单词应用这种映射,就产生了单词的语音“键”。)

17、The experiment is carried out on voice conversion of 5 vowels from international phonetic symbols and speech.(实验对国际音标和语音中的5个元音进行了语音转换。)

18、To make sure they know how to correctly pronounce difficult words, broadcast journalists often include phonetic spellings in their scripts.(为了确保艰涩词的正确发音,广播电视记者常常在文稿中加入注音。)

19、And research is teasing apart the phonetic components of babble, along with the interplay of neurologic, cognitive and social factors.(科学研究正在分离婴儿语言的语音成分,神经、认知和社会因素的相互作用。)

20、Is the text marked with phonetic symbols?(课文有注音吗?)

21、Mostsecondary-school pupils have their own mobile telephones, and they usean abbreviated phonetic language to communicate.(法国大多数中学生都配有自己的手机,而他们之间则用一种音节缩写语言短信交流。)

22、We should be grateful to the phonetic change that treated acumbe so mercilessly.(我们应该感谢语音变化对待acumbe如此无情。)

23、We'll use this hash later to change words into a string of their phonetic alphabet equivalents.(我们稍后将使用这个散列把词转换为等效的语音字母字符串。)

24、Seven hierarchical exercises were designed to improve aural phonetic reception in these children.(七个层次练习是为了改善这些孩子的听觉语音接收能力。)

25、Consider, for example, the initial of the first name in phonetic combination with the last.(比如,要考虑“名”的首字母和“姓”在读音上连读的问题。)

26、one of his first jobs was to memorize a phonetic script (thai has a different alphabet than english).(他所要做的第一件事就是记忆语音文字体系(泰语的字母与英语有很大差异)。)

27、I am learning the International phonetic symbol while my mom is teaching.(我正在学习国际音标,妈妈在辅导。)

28、Line 12 removes adjacent phonetic codes that are the same.(行12删除相邻的相同语音代码。)

29、He suspected rightly that the hieroglyphs were phonetic symbols, that they represented its sounds rather than pictures.(他猜测象形文字是语音符号是正确的,它们代表的是声音而不是图像。)

30、Latin is an almost purely phonetic language. There are no silent letters, and each letter represents a single sound.(拉丁语几乎是纯粹的语音语言,即单词中没有不发音的字母,每个字母都有固定的发音。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


