

2022-05-04 来源:尚佳旅游分享网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Objective: To evaluate the imaging characteristics of intramuscular hemangioma and their diagnostic value.(目的:探讨肌肉内血管瘤影像学表现与诊断的价值。)

2、It summarized the mechanism, causes, prevention and nursing measures of patients with endermic induration after intramuscular injection.(综述了肌肉注射后皮下硬结产生的机制、产生的原因及预防和护理措施。)

3、Pork flavor is associated with flavoring substances and intramuscular lipids in the meat. Boar taint originates from androstenone and skatole.(肌肉风味取决于风味物质的种类和含量以及肌内脂肪的性质,膻味来源于雄烯酮和粪臭素;)

4、Objective:To locate the motor points and intramuscular nerve endings exactly in semitendinous and semimembranous muscle.(目的:精确定位半腱肌、半膜肌的运动点和肌内神经末梢分布区域。)

5、Conclusion: the NCV test is an effective method for the diagnosis and identification of the sciatic nerve lesion due to intramuscular injection.(结论:神经传导速度检查是一种对肌注所致坐骨神经损伤的诊断、鉴别诊断十分有效的检查方法。)

6、Results The intramuscular nerve branches were clearly visualized after being stained purple-black.(结果肌内各级神经分支被染成蓝紫色,清晰可见神经在肌内的分布。)

7、AIM: to investigate morphologic effect and histological changes of masseter muscle atrophy induced by glucocorticoid with intramuscular injection.(目的:探讨肌内注射糖皮质激素诱导咬肌萎缩的效果及其组织改变。)

8、When you inject aluminum intramuscular, however, you absorb 100% of it.(当你肌内注射铝,你将100%吸收它。)

9、Is the move factor that inject USES intramuscular injection or hypodermic?(注射用的转移因子是肌肉注射还是皮下注射?)

10、The mice and chickens were immunized twice, 3 weeks apart, by electroporation into muscles or intramuscular injection.(小鼠和鸡分别经电穿孔和肌肉注射免疫两次,间隔为3周。)

11、But no difference was found between intramuscular injection or intravenous drip.(肌肉注射反应发生率与静脉滴注无显著差异。)

12、objective to determine the effect of inspiring ways on the cooperation of children in the intramuscular injection.(目的探讨激励法在住院患儿肌内注射中所产生的作用。)

13、The intramuscular implantation in mice induced no muscular necrosis or fibrous capsule formation, except for slight inflammatory reaction.(小鼠肌内埋置后植入部位无肌肉坏死,炎症反应轻,无纤维包裹。)

14、Objective To investigate the treatment of intramuscular injection appeared swelling, pain, the best way.(目的探讨治疗和预防肌肉注射出现红肿、疼痛的最佳方法。)

15、The severity of the muscle injury is affected by the degree of the intramuscular pressure and the length of the retraction time.(肌肉损伤的严重程度受肌肉受压程度和牵拉持续时间影响。)

16、The absolute bioavailability of Miacalic fouowing intramuscular or subcutaneous injection is approximately 70%.(肌注或者下注射后.密钙息的绝对生物利用率约为70%。)

17、The recommended starting dose for long-acting risperidone is 25 mg delivered by intramuscular injection every 2 weeks.(长效利培酮针剂的推荐起始剂量为25mg,每两周通过肌注给药。)

18、Objective to discuss the methods of reducing the pain of injecting Benzathine Benzylpenicillin, and to improve the quality of intramuscular injection.(目的探讨减轻肌注长效青霉素给病人带来痛苦的方法,提高肌注治疗品质。)

19、So it is key of controlling the intramuscular lipid oxidation to ensure the chilled pig quality all right.(因此,控制肌间脂肪氧化是保证冷却肉良好品质的关键。)

20、The intramuscular vessels and nerves ran parallel to the muscle fibers.(肌内血管、神经及肌纤维相互平行走行。)

21、intramuscular fat content is an important meat quality trait in pig production.(猪的肌内脂肪含量是重要的肉质性状。)

22、ObjectiveTo observe the muscle relaxation, intubation conditions and safety of intramuscular rocuronium in infants with congenital heart disease.(目的观察先心病婴幼儿肌注罗库溴铵的肌松效果、插管条件和安全性。)

23、A single intramuscular injection of Benzathine Penicillin is curative.(肌内注射一剂苄星青霉素即有疗效。)

24、The intramuscular nerve branch pattern had a close relation to characteristic of the muscular architecture.(股直肌肌内神经的分支分布与肌构筑学特点有关。)

25、Studying prediction method of intramuscular fat content.(预测肌内脂肪含量方法的研究。)

26、Oral amoxicillin for 5 days was as effective as intramuscular ceftriaxone for 2 days (1 RCT).(口服阿莫西林5天的功效等同于肌肉注射头孢曲松2天(1个随机对照试验)。)

27、Conclusion The 0. 9% sodium chloride injection was a valid solvent for intramuscular injection of HCG to alleviate pain.(结论采用0.9%氯化钠溶液做溶媒肌内注射hcg,能有效缓解患者疼痛,是一种安全可靠的溶媒。)

28、0. 05) for estimating of age between the TRF of intramuscular and that of dermal.(比较同年龄组的皮肤和肌肉之间的TRF值,也未发现显著性差别(P>0.05)。)

29、intramuscular or intravenous injection: use the same type of drug with oral, but in principle, the oral drugs should not be injected.(肌肉注射或静脉注射与口服使用同一类型的药物,但在原则上,不应该注射的口服药物。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


