造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、By contrast, trees that sprout naturally are native species and more resilient.(相比之下,天然发芽的树木多为当地树种并且适应性更强。)
2、Can you make a novel, as he says in the essay, that will "sprout wings and grow claws" in secret in his mind?(就像他在文章里说的那样,你能够让一本小说在他脑海里秘密地“展开翅膀,伸出爪子”?)
3、Snake embryos, for example, sprout hind limb buds.(例如,蛇的胚胎会生长出后肢。)
4、When the seedlings sprout, uncover the tray.(幼苗发芽后,揭开盘上的遮盖物。)
5、And weeds are beginning to sprout up in luxury villa developments that are devoid of residents.(在豪华别墅开发区,野草渐渐繁生,居民却踪迹全无。)
6、Specific recommendations to sprout producers.(对芽苗菜生产者的具体建议。)
7、If you want to try this, sprout the seeds.(要是你想试试这个,就让种子发芽。)
8、Buds sprout in the spring.(芽在春天萌发。)
9、The original use was typed by Wayne Pearson, in Calgary, who says he wrote the first ever LOL in reply to a gag by someone called "sprout".(最初的用法是加拿大卡尔加里的WaynePearson输入的,他说他在回复一个名叫“sprout”的笑话时第一次写下了LOL。)
10、His immense capacity for enjoyment, like the breezes of spring, helped poetry to sprout.(他无比宽宏深厚的欣赏力像春天的微风,促使诗歌生长发芽。)
11、She often substitutes chopped scallion greens for garlic sprout.(她经常用切好的葱段代替蒜苗。)
12、Vermiculite is the best transplantation stroma of Dendranthema morifolium tube sprout.(蛭石是菊花试管苗最佳的移栽基质。)
13、Cut pasty in strips, put gluten, vegetable oil and endive sprout with the pasty.(将蒸好的面皮切成条状,放上面筋,青笋。)
14、Community gardens often sprout on empty lots owned by the city.(社区花园往往萌芽于城市公有空地。)
15、Leaf-shoots were beginning to sprout on the hawthorn.(叶芽开始在山楂树上长出来。)
16、Once the flower blooms, print all the photographs from sprout to flower.(把所有的照片都打印出来——从发出花芽到展开花朵。)
17、the seed would sprout, grow, and bear fruit depending on which type of soil it fell on.(种子会发芽,生长,并且长出果实,这依赖于它们落到哪个土壤当中。)
18、The real surprise is that inflation did not sprout earlier.(真正令人惊讶的是,通胀并未在更早的时候爆发。)
19、Neurons sprout dendrites that transmit incoming electrochemical stimulation to the trunk-like cell body.(树干样的神经元像出芽一般伸出树突以接收外来的电化学刺激。)
20、Feathers don't last forever. So birds periodically shed their plumage and then sprout replacements.(鸟的羽毛不会永远光洁如新,鸟类必须周期性的进行换羽,长出新的羽毛。)
21、30when they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near.(30它发芽的时候,你们一看见,自然晓得夏天近了。)
22、Potatoes sprout twice a year.(马铃薯一年发两次芽。)
23、Then . . . I found little rootlets of affection for Ingleside beginning to sprout out.(然后,我发现壁炉山庄的影响开始扩张了。)
24、Or your smooth belly may suddenly sprout an elbow-like bump.(或者是你光滑的肚子上可能突然之间长出一个拳头样的肿块。)
25、The seeds will sprout in a few days.(这些种子几天后就会发芽。)
26、It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.(豆子只需几天就会发芽。)
27、Yet storing a memory does require the ability to sprout new neurons.(然而,储存一段记忆还是需要依靠脑体再长出新神经元的能力。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。