Baotu Spring Park is located in the center of Jinan, south of QianfoMountain, east of Quancheng Square, north of Daming Lake, covering an area ofabout 158 mu. Baotu Spring Park is a natural landscape park with spring as themain water. It is the top of 72 Famous Springs in Jinan and is known as "thefirst spring in the world".
front gate
Before entering the park, the first thing you can see is the "BaotuShengjing" archway at the east gate of the park. The archway is 7.5 meters highand the total width between the columns is 9.3 meters. The shape of the archwayis: four columns and three skyscrapers. The east gate of Baotu Spring Park isthe gate of the national style building with white walls, grey tiles and rollingshed. "Baotu Spring" on the plaque in the middle of the gate was written byComrade Guo Moruo in 1959. The three main hall scenic spot was originally builtby Zeng Gong, a famous literary scholar. The North Hall is now called Sanshenghall, offering sacrifices to Yao, Shun and Yu, the ancestor of China. The middlehall is e Ying temple, offering sacrifices to e Huang and nu Ying, Shun's twowives. The South Hall is Luoyuan hall, which is named for its proximity toLuoshui. On the pillars are the three halls of Zhao Meng's spring chanting poem"the clouds are moist and steaming, and the waves shake Daming Lake". There arerare "double imperial steles" in the courtyard, which record the inscriptions ofBaotu Spring of Kangxi Sanlin and Qianlong Erlin. Kangxi's inscriptions excitethe turbulence, and Qianlong's inscriptions mention Baotu Spring again.
Baotu Spring Scenic Spot
Baotu Spring has a long history and was called Luo in ancient times. In thespring and Autumn period, Duke Huan of Lu met the Marquis of Qi in Luo, and ZengGong, a great scholar of Song Dynasty, began to call it "Baotu Spring". Standingon the Guanlan Pavilion, you can see the stone tablet in the water in front ofthe pavilion, engraved with "Baotu Spring", which was written by Hu zuanzong inthe Ming Dynasty. If you are careful, you may find that the word "Tu" is missingthe point above. The word "Baotu Spring" was written by Hu zuanzong, governor ofShandong Province in Ming Dynasty. Careful tourists will notice that there aretwo missing points in the word "Baotu Spring". One way is to express people'swish that the spring will never end. One way of saying is that Baotu Spring isfull of water, which washes away the points on the spring and goes along themoat to Daming Lake. Therefore, the word "Ming" of Daming Lake is added.
Shuyuquan scenic spot
Shuyuquan, like rain on a sunny day, is a turtle stone originally collectedby Zhang yanghao, a famous Yuan Dynasty Sanqu artist. It commemorates GuanSheng's Ma Pao spring. It comes from shuyuquan, which is located in ShushiZhenliu's, and Li Qingzhao's memorial hall. There is a couplet: "the formerresidence of Baotu Spring on the Bank of Daming Lake is deep in Chuiyang, andthere is a posterity in Shuyu's collection of Jinshi."