

2024-03-02 来源:尚佳旅游分享网

  Sun Bin tourist city is located in Songlou Township, 20 kilometersnortheast of juancheng County, covering an area of 978 mu.

  The original scenic spots of Sun Bin tourist city are Yicheng temple, SunBin tomb, yangzuo tomb, Jingke tomb, etc.

  Yicheng Temple: in his later years, Sun Bin lived in seclusion insunhuayuan (0.5km to the south of the temple). The king of Qi often sent peopleto visit him, and built a post city in the north of the village to accommodatehim. After Sun Bin died, he was buried in front of the post city and changed itinto "Yi City". Buddhism was introduced into juancheng in the Wei and JinDynasties. In 560, a temple was built in the old city of Yicheng, which means"Yicheng Temple". Beside the temple are the tombs of yangjiaoai, Zuo Botao andJingke, which are also called "Yicheng Temple". In 1558, the temple wasrebuilt,

  According to the epitaph of rebuilding Yicheng temple, the temple covers anarea of 400 mu and has five halls, including the Great Buddha Hall, the SutraPavilion, the ancestral master hall, the Jialan hall and the four heavenly kingshall, with more than 10000 Buddha statues and more than 1000 monks. It wasrebuilt again in 1920x. The temple was demolished during the land reform in1946, and now there is only its site.

  Tomb of Sun Bin: Sun Bin returned to his hometown sun Huayuan and wasburied in the north of the village after his death. In the Ming Dynasty, thetomb was buried in the Yellow River. In 1990, on the East Bank of XiangyangRiver in the north of the village, a tombstone of Yicheng Temple rebuilt in the37th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1558) was unearthed, on whichwas engraved "Bin's tomb site is deep". After multiple textual research byexperts, it is determined that Sun Bin's tomb site is here. The sun familyrebuilt a tomb with a diameter of 8 meters and a height of 5 meters. It wassurrounded by stones. There was a tree tablet in front of the tomb, a sealscript of "Sun Bin tomb", and a stone censer in front of the tomb. The cemeterycovers an area of 600 square meters, surrounded by a 1-meter-high brick wall and12 cypresses.

  Yangzuo tomb: the diameter of the seal is 3 meters, the height is 2 meters,and the structure of the chamber is unknown. In front of the tomb is thetombstone of Zuo botaobiao, an ancient Yishi in fan County, erected in 1820 X.the stone is 170 cm high, 46 cm wide and 20 cm thick, with a square head and ahorn. There are no words in the Yin of the tablet, but there are inscriptions inthe Yang of the tablet, which record the time and process of erecting the tabletand the story of Yang zuoquanjiao. It is said that during the Warring Statesperiod, yangjiaoai and Zuo Botao from the state of Yan went to the state of Chuto apply for jobs. When they arrived at Juanyi, they suddenly met with rain andsnow, and their expenses were almost exhausted. Only one person could survive.Zuo Botao gave yangjiaoai food and silver and asked him to go to the state ofChu. He stayed here to wait. Yang went to the state of Chu to become a Shangfu.Later, he went to Juanyi to look for Zuo Botao, who died of cold and hunger in atree cave. Yang then drew his sword to commit suicide and buried Yang and Zuotogether in a tomb. The story of yangzuoquanjiao has been widely spread amongthe people for thousands of years.

  In October 1995, the foundation of Sun Bin tourist city was officiallystarted. Now, the construction of the wall, undulating terrain, road hardening,part of greening and other basic supporting projects has been completed.Yuanrong bridge and Yuanrong lake have been built one after another. The mainworks of Tianwang hall, Yuantong hall, Fangsheng pool and Sun Bin memorial hallhave been completed. The pharmacist hall is under construction.

  Yuanrong bridge: located at the entrance of the tourist city, lying on theXiangyang River, it is a reinforced concrete structure with a Southwestnortheast trend, with a total length of 158 meters and a width of 12 meters.

  Yuanrong Lake: located in the hinterland of the tourist city, it iscomposed of East and west water surfaces, connected by jade belt bridge,covering an area of 50 mu.

  Tianwang Hall: five single eaves Xieshan style antique buildings, 21 meterslong, 9 meters deep, 9 meters high, is one of the main works of Yuanrongtemple.

  Yuantong Hall: it is one of the main works of Yuanrong temple, which is anantique building with five single eaves.

  Release pool: located in front of Yuanrong temple, it is a semi-circularpool, covering an area of 300 square meters.

  Sun Bin Memorial Hall: located in the west of the tourist city, the hall isa double eaves roof building, 30 meters in length and width, 20 meters inheight, with half arch eaves and green glazed tile roof. It is the main projectof Sun Bin Memorial area.
