



发明人:William Charles Carlton,Sarah Jane Gauci




摘要:A shuttlecock having a cap and a flared skirt, the latter having an inner andouter part made of artificial material and incorporating in the outer part, a plurality ofstems and ribs connecting the stems and flaps projecting from the edges of said ribs at a

substantial angle to the outer face of the ribs and to the airflow passing along thenormal line of flight of the shuttlecock. This increases the resistance of the outer skirt,and improves the turnover of the shuttlecock. The flaps project from at least the trailingedge of the ribs and may also project from the leading edge. The invention is developedso that a plurality of flutes are formed in the outer skirt, the said flaps project from thetrailing edges of the ribs on the right face of the flutes. The flaps may also project fromthe leading edges of the ribs on the left face of the flutes. The combination of the angleof the flute and the angle of the flap causes the shuttlecock to spin rapidly. The flapsnest in the space between the flutes and the inner perimeter of the tube in which theshuttlecocks are packed.

申请人:William Charles Carlton,Sarah Jane Gauci Carlton

地址:Villa Tas-Silg, Delimara Road Marsaxlokk, ZTN 09, Malta GB,Villa Tas-Silg,Delimara Road Marsaxlokk, ZTN 09, Malta GB


代理机构:Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty, McNett & Henry LLP

代理人:Clifford W. Browning

