

2023-09-07 来源:尚佳旅游分享网













Based on the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation places distribution in the centre of discussion with the application of the abstract method of classical plutonomy. 李嘉图认为,人类行为的准则是个人利益,是追求个人功利,即寻求快乐和避免痛苦,而个人追求个人利益同整个社会的利益是一致的,符合社会最大多数人的最大幸福。

David Ricardo believes that the criterion of human behavior is individual interests and utility – that is the pursuit of happiness and the evasion of suffering, and that individual interests are identical with public interests, which agree with the best interests of the majority of society. 他实际上是站在工业资产阶级立场上,把资本家追求利润的个人利益与生产发展、社会财富增加和社会进步看作是一致的。

He is actually standing in the position of industrial capitalists, thinking of the pursuit of profit of capitalists as in accordance with the development of production, the accumulation of societal wealth and the progress of society. 他的研究方法带有形而上学的片面性,把资本主义生产关系和制度看作是永恒的、不变的。

His method reflects the onesidedness of metaphysics, regarding capitalist production relation as constant and unchangeable. 政治经济学及赋税原理》全书分为32章,结构比较松散。

On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation consists of thirty-two chapters, with a loose structure. 李嘉图的政治经济学理论主要内容完全包括在前六章中,其他各章则是李嘉图理论原则的运用或是对其原理的解释和补充。

The main content of the theories of political economics of David Ricardo is in the first six chapters, and the rest chapters covers the application of the principles of Ricardo’s theories, or the explanation and supplementation of his theories. 第一章论价值,还论述了工资、利润,第二章论地租。

The first chapter discusses value, wage and profit. The second chapter discusses land-rent. 李嘉图在《政治经济学及赋税原理》中批判地继承了斯密的劳动价值论,并以劳动价值论为基础,论述了工资、利润和地租,说明了工资和利润、利润和地租的对立,从而揭示了无产阶级和资产阶级、资产阶级和地主阶级之间的对立和斗争。

In his On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, David Ricardo critically inherits the labour theory of value of Adam Smith, disserts the contradictory of wage and profit, and that of profit and land-rent, therefore uncovering the antithesis and struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, and between the bourgeoisie and the squirearchy.他还论述了货币理论、对外贸易中的比较成本学说、赋税的一般原理和原则。

There are also elaborations on monetary theory, comparative cost theory in foreign trade and general principles of taxation. 该书对政治经济学理论作出了重要发展,使英国古典政治经济学达到了完成阶段。

The book has contributed greatly the advancement of the fundamentals of political economy and marks the concluding stage of classical political economics of Britain.
