



贵阳市乌当中学 高力超

选修7 Unit 1

1. disability(反义词、形容词)ability, disabled 2. disabled(反义词、名词)able, disability 3. hearing (动词) hear

4. eyesight(同义词)seeing 5. dictation (动词) dictate

6. noisy (名词、副词) noise,noisily

7. suitable (同义词、动词、反义词) fit, suit, unsuitable 8. entry (动词、名词) enter, entrance

9. beneficial ((名词、动词、反义词) benefit, benefit, harmful

10. clumsy (同义词、反义词) unskillful, unhandy, clever, smart, wise, intelligent 11. outgoing (同义词) friendly, kind, outward, out 12. adapt(形容词)adapted 13. bench (复数) benches 14. cut out (同义词组) cut off, stop doing sth. 15. microscope(相对词)telescope

16. absence (形容词、反义词) absent, presence 17. fellow (同义词) companion, , partner, mate 18. annoy (两个形容词) annoying, annoyed

19. annoyed (另一个形容词,原形) annoying, annoy 20. firm(同义词、副词)company, corporation, solid, hard, stable, firm,firmly 21. all in all (同义词组) generally speaking, in short, in a word 22. software (反义词) hardware 23. as well as(同义词)and, with 24. encouragement (动词) encourage

25. conduct (名词、同义词) conductor, action, behavior, command, direct, manage, control, govern, host

26. never mind (同义词) don’t need to worry

27. politics(形容词、指人的名词)political, politician 28. abolish (同义词组) do away with, put an end to 29. resign (同义词组) quit office 30. slavery (指人的名词) slave 31. literature (同义词) letter, works

32. companion (同义词) mate, fellow, partner

33. assistance (动词、同义词) assist, help, aid, support

34. congratulate (名词、同义词) congratulation, celebration

35. graduation (动词、指人的名词、形容词) graduate, graduate,graduate 36. architect(另一个名词) architecture

37. adequate (同义词、反义词) enough, adequate, plenty, abundant, wealthy, ample, lacking 38. access (形容词、同义词) accessible, method, way, process, means, passage


39. accessible (名词) access

40. handy (同义词、反义词) useful, helpful, available, convenient, useless 41. row (同义词、同义词组) line, go boating

42. exit (同义词、反义词) way out, departure, entrance, entry

43. meet with (同义词组、同义词) come across, run into, go through, experience 44. approval (动词、同义词) approve, favor, confirm, accept 45. dignity (同义词) honor 46. profit (同义词) income

47. community (同义词) group, team, organization, society, world


1. ability, disabled 2. able, disability 3. hear 4. seeing 5. dictate 6. noise,noisily 7. fit, suit, unsuitable 8. enter, entrance 9. benefit, benefit, harmful

10. unskillful, unhandy, clever, smart, wise, intelligent 11. friendly, kind, outward, out 12. adapted 13. benches

14. cut off, stop doing sth. 15. telescope 16. absent, presence 17. companion, , partner, mate 18. annoying, annoyed 19. annoying, annoy 20. company, corporation, solid, hard, stable, firm,firmly 21. generally speaking, in short, in a word 22. hardware 23. and, with 24. encourage

25. conductor, action, behavior, command, direct, manage, control, govern, host 26. don’t need to worry 27. political, politician

28. do away with, put an end to 29. quit office 30. slave

31. letter, works

32. mate, fellow, partner 33. assist, help, aid, support


34. congratulation, celebration 35. graduate, graduate,graduate 36. architecture

37. enough, adequate, plenty, abundant, wealthy, ample, lacking 38. accessible, method, way, process, means, passage 39. access

40. useful, helpful, available, convenient, useless 41. line, go boating

42. way out, departure, entrance, entry

43. come across, run into, go through, experience 44. approve, favor, confirm, accept 45. honor 46. income

47. group, team, organization, society, world

