专利名称:A mattress and method of manufacture发明人:Turner, Graeme Roy申请号:AU2017250639申请日:20170413公开号:AU2017250639A1公开日:20181101
摘要:A mattress having a first layer comprising a block of resilient material having aplurality of bores within which resilient elements are provided. The mattress alsocomprises a second layer comprising a block of resilient material that is directly orindirectly fixed to the underside of the first layer, at least one dimension of the secondlayer being greater than the corresponding dimension of the first layer such that thesecond layer provides a peripheral support ledge or ledges extending outwardly relativeto the perimeter of the first layer about at least a portion of the perimeter of the firstlayer. One or more resilient side reinforcement components are provided on the supportledge or ledges of the second layer that are at least fixed to respective portions ofadjacent side peripheral surfaces of the first layer.
申请人:New Zealand Comfort Group Limited