

2023-04-14 来源:尚佳旅游分享网

1. Banks serves as ( principle depository) of liquid funds for the public.

2. (The banking sector) provides the indispensible national payriient mechanism for the development of modem financial and business system.

3. Which of the following is not a policy banks (The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 4. The central banking system began taking shape in (1984)

5. What is amount of the total assets of the banking sector at the end of 2005(RMB37. 47 billion) 6.The Basel Accord sets minimum capital ratio requirements for internationally active banks(of 4% tier one capital and 8 to total capital)in relation to risk-weighted assets.

7.One objective of banking supervision is to protect depositors’ funds and(if a bank should fail) to minimize the losses to be absorbed by the deposit insurance fund.

8.The ratio of liquid assets to liquid liabilities of a commercial bank shall not fall short of (25) percent.

9..Market risk refers to the risk of (financial prices fluctuation)

10.If a major borrower gets in trouble because of inability to (return) a loan the bank may find itself in serious trouble as well.

11.(Indirect) tell us how many units of the foreign currency required to buy one unit of the domestic turrency.

12.If an importer who buys goods today has to pay for the goods in a foreign currency one month from today , it may be convenient to buy the currency now for delivery in a month. The transaction is called (a forward)

13.Suppose we make a week-end swap on January 10,2005 (Monday) , then the spot value date is set on (January 12 , 2005) , the forward value date is set on (January 19 , 2005) 14.(The value date)is the date on which the money must be paid to the parties involved in spot transactio

15.If we have a quote of 737. 62Z740. 58 for $ZT ,(the first rate is the buying rate for the dollar)

16.(An audit) is the independent examination that ensures the reliability of the accounting

reports submitted by management to investor , creditor ,and other outside the business.

17.GAAP stands for (General Accept Accounting Principles)

18.which of the following is not included in the accounting concepts and principles ? (General Accepted Accounting Principles).

19.Users of financial statements are interested in liquidity because (businesses may be difficult to have enough working capital)

20.Theliability section , together with (owner's equity) , indicates how an entity financed.

21.Investment banks’ role in the financial markets involves (telling and distributing new stocks and bonds). 22.What does IPO stand for ? (Initial Public Offering) 23.A key difference between bonds and stocks is that stocks (represent ownemhip) 24.Credlt card customer (are given a credit limit on the credit card account and can buy goods and services up to this amount) 25.when a bank holds valuables and documents for its customer in safe custody ,it has to take are of the property ,and has a (bailor—bailee) relationship with that customer.

26. In a syndicated loan , (the lead bank) handles the negotiations with the borrower, prepares the relevant documentation and disbumes the full amount of the loan to the borrower.

27. A (bridging) loan is a loan agreement under which finance is required in connection with the sale of one asset and the pumliase of another.

28. A pledge provides a bank with (possession of the goods)

29. Which of the following is true of a mortgage ? (The mortgagor retains possession of the mortgaged property)

30. A lien is best defined as (a deposit of goods , or documents of title to them , with a lender as security for a debt)

1.The skills and institutions for risk management In an open market economy are different from those in a relatively closed centrally planned economy(T)

2.The comprehensive risk monitoring and warning system focuses on the safety , liquidity and profitability of financial institutions(T)

3.Where we study securities , we should know something about financial markets , such as stock market , bond market , which are classified as money markets(F)

4.Coverible bonds are known as T-bonds , which carry a rate of interest and

give the owner the right to exchange the bonds at some stage in the future into ordinary shares(F)

5.LOF stands for Listed Open-ended Fund which can be redeemed or subscribed at both stock exchange and fund sales outlets. (T)

6.The risk-based loan classification system divides the loans into pass , special mention , substandard , doubtful and loss five categories(T)

7.One of the inherent risks in banking is the market risk , which can be further divided into exchange rate risk and interest rate risk. (T)

8.The limit on the deposit insurance coverage also serves to maximize moral hazard on the part of the depositors(F)

9.The most important types of operational risk involve breakdowns in extemal controls or corporate governance(F)

10.Reputation risk is particularly damaging for banks since the nature of their business requires maintaining the confidence of depositors , creditors , and the general marketplace. (T)

11.On July 21 , 2005 , RMB exchange rate regime changed to a managed floating system with a reference to a basket of currencies.(T)

12.In order to eliminate the risk of a significant rise of one currency’s

exchangerate , we sell the currency forward.(F)

13.Futures are standard forward contracts traded on exchanges.(T)

14.The People’s Bank of China is the agency responsible foreign exchange administration.(F)

15.If forward price is higher than the spot price , we call it discount.(F)

16.Income and expense accounts represent changes in assets(F)

17.Asset accounts include cash, furniture and fixtures ,accounts payable, claims against customers that owe money, stock or inventory, office supplies, etc. (F)

18.Vhere the debit and credit entries are posted to a ledger, the aggregate of the debits in all the ledger accounts must be equal to the aggregate of the credits in these accounts. (T)

19.Notes payable which are paid in installments are classified as long-term liabilities. (F)

20.A cash flow statement covers a period of time and accounts for increase or decrease in a company's cash during the period. (T)

21.The commercial papers are considered as capital market instruments. (F)

22.Factoring is short-term financing with recourse. (F)

23.The trustor who is also known as the grantor creates the trust. (T)

24.Operating lease can not be cancelable at any time. (F)

25.In money market, the government is unique, because it is supplier and demander of money market funds. (T)

26.Those with maturity of one year or less are called medium-term loans. (F)

27.The risk-based capital guidelines require a minimum ratio of Tier-1 capital to adjusted assets of 4% , and a minimum ratio of combined Tier-1 and Tier-2 capital to risk-adjusted assets of 8% (T)

28.Broadly defined , consumer credit includes loans secured by real estate

( home mortgages , for instance) plus open-end credit such as credit cards. (F)

29.Since the operating target of commercial banks is profit , they should make their own decisions on whether to increase , maintain , decrease withdraw the loan disbursement in some industry so long as it’s profitable regardless of the country’s macroeconomic policy. (F)

30.Current ratio is more conservative and accurate than quick ratio in measuring liquidity. (F)

1. Although banks share many common features with other profit-seeking businesses , they play a unique role in the economy through mobilizing savings allocating capital funds to finance productive investment transmitting monetary policy providing a payment system and transforming risks.


2. The implementation of the stabilization and structural measures has been a major factor underlying the resilience of the Chinese economy in the context of the crisis in Asian financial markets and the recent weakening of global economic activity.


3. The reform of the financial system and particularly the diversification of banking institutions have increased competition in the banking sector and improved financial services in China.


4. Before extending a loan , a commercial bank shall conduct strict

examination of its purpose the capability of the borrower and form of repayment as well as other relevant matters.


5. Sound and effective regulation and in return the confidence it brings is important for the integrity and the development of the markets.


6. The securities and futures markets are vital to the growth and strength of market economies as they support corporate initiatives, finance the exploitation of new ideas and facilitate the management of financial risk.


7. A cash flow statement covers a period of time and accounts for the increase or decrease in a company’s cash by showing where the company got cash and the uses it made of cash during the period.


8. Present value is the value today of an amount to be received or paid in the

future;the future amount must be discounted at a specified rate of interest.


9. The primary concerns of accounting controls lie with systems authorization and approval over assets, internal auditing procedures and other financial matters. It is the management's responsibility to establish and maintain an appropriate system of internal accounting control.


10. Globalization of the world economy can be expected to lead to a rise in the relative importance of investment banking .in the financial system.


11. In money market, the government is unique because it is always a supplier and demander of money market funds.


1 .The objectivity principle requires that entries in the accounting records be based on (objective evidence) as far as possible, such as statements issued by

(external) organizations. If this principle is ignored, the (confidence) of users of the financial statements could not be maintained. For example, evidence such as (invoice), bank statements, and other objective evidence supports the accounting (entries) and records. In some cases, judgments, estimates andother (factom) must be used in preparing financial statements. In these circumstances, the most objective evidence (available) should be used. For example, the provision for (bad debts) is an estimate of losses expected from credit sales collection. These estimations should be based on objective factors as (much) as possible, such as the company's past experience with bad debts and economic (forecasts external). 2.Loans , generally speaking , are made not from the bank’s own resources but from the funds deposited to it by its customers , hence commercial banks must always (maintain) a delicate balance among the three objectives of liquidity , safety and profitability in the dally management of funds . Each of them can never be considered (alone) though the paramount importance of liquidity must be recognized.

For a bank, the term “liquidity” is chiefly concerned (with) the ability to meet demands for payments of deposits at any time. However, the need for (liquidity) is not based entirely on the deposit function, it is also closely tied to the credit (function), that is, the obligation of every bank to serve the credit (requirement) of its customers and the community. Liquidity also enables a bank to provide for the (loan) requirements of its long-established customers who enjoy good credit standing. In addition , it is equally essential that the banks take every possible measure to protect the funds (deposited) by depositors who must be made to feel

that funds left with the bank are (safe) at all time. Lastly, a bank should always try its best to improve its annual net income which will increase the (confidence) of its depositors and the public.
